Saturday, May 10, 2014

The Real Creation Story, part 1: It's All Wrong

It’s All Wrong

This may come as a shock to you, and perhaps you won’t believe it, but a good deal of what we’ve been taught in Sunday School about the creation of the earth is wrong.

However, before you get your knickers up, to quote an old expression, allow me to explain.

If you read Genesis chapters one and two carefully, you should come across a bit of a conundrum: Why are there two creation accounts instead of just one?

Be honest: Have you ever noticed that before? If you did, what did you think about it? That it’s just repetition?

Correct me if I’m wrong, but haven’t we been taught since we were toddlers, and for thousands of years before that, that Genesis chapter one chronicles the physical creation of the earth and all that dwells on it?

If that’s so, why, then, are there two separate creation accounts, or at least one whole and one partial account? And the second one in reverse order from the first?

What if there were, in fact, two separate creations? What if Genesis chapter one chronicles the spiritual creation of the earth (i.e., earth as a spirit body) and chapter two chronicles the physical creation of the people and things that were to dwell upon the physical earth?

Before you write me off as a certifiable nut job, consider the following.

A Spiritual Creation

Did you know that all those who would ever inhabit the earth—human, plant and animal—were created even before Adam and Eve were placed in the Garden of Eden? It’s true. Of course, you might just say it’s my interpretation and you might even be right. However, we find in Genesis 2:1 the following:

"Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them."

Does anyone really ever pay much attention to that one little innocuous verse? Think about it. What could this possibly mean?

Just so we’re on the same page, let us look at the possible meaning of the word “host.”

First, we’ll look in Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible. According to the Hebrew and Chaldee Dictionary, the word for “host” (#6635) means “a mass of persons (or fig[uratively] things).”

Next, we’ll look in my Webster’s NewWorld Dictionary, Second Concise Edition. There are three different entries for the word “host,” labeled “host1,” “host2,” and “host3.” We’ll be interested in number three, definition two: “a multitude; great number.” It’s the one that comes closest to the context of our subject. You can look up the other meanings if you so desire.

Using these ideas, we might with reverence rephrase Genesis 2:1 as follows: “The heavens and the earth were finished, and all the multitude of peoples and other things that would dwell upon it.”

If you have a better explanation of what this verse means, I’d welcome discussion on the matter. Meanwhile, we’ll continue on in this vein.

I realize this is a new concept and might not be easy to accept. I only ask that you put aside any critical desires until you read all four parts of this series. Thank you.

Let us consider the following points:

  1. Genesis chapter 1 chronicles the spiritual creation of the earth and its host.
  2. Genesis 1:1-10 could also represent the physical creation of the earth, as the order seems a logical one.
  3. Genesis 2:1 states that all that would dwell in the heavens and earth had already been created or formed. By implication, this creation would have to be spiritual. The creation of this great multitude or host could not have been physical, for obvious reasons.
  4. Genesis chapter 2 chronicles the physical creation or formation of life on the earth and in the heavens at the time of Adam and Eve.

Here’s a question to consider: If all the people, animals (fauna) and plant life (flora) were created or formed spiritually, or with spirit bodies, if you will, then where are they?

If Genesis chapter 1 were indeed the spiritual creation of the earth, or even the physical creation of the earth, then I would have to assume that all the host of them were placed on the earth at that time and are yet upon the earth in some kind of higher spiritual plane of existence or dimension that we are physically unaware of. Modern quantum theory certainly allows for a number of other dimensions.

Whether this spirit form of the earth is the same size as the physical form of the earth, I cannot say. However, I would have to think the spiritual earth would be larger to accommodate this great host of human, animal and plant life.

This idea is not a new concept. It has been known for a long time that not only humans, but animals and plant life, have auras surrounding them. This has been seen through the use of Kirlian photography, as well as by people with extra sensitive perception.

These auras actually extend beyond the limits of the physical bodies that contain them. So, it should not be too far a stretch to imagine that the aura, or spirit body of the earth, could extend beyond its physical limitations or boundaries, even as the auras, or spirit bodies of earth’s inhabitants, do.

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